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php automatic string escape on post

I'm building a neat website for my friend, and I noticed that the site escaped the input from textboxes, textareas, etc. automatically.

Does this mean that I don't have to add mysql_real_escape_string when I want to insert the data in my mysql database and I can just leave it as it is?

Or is this a potential security risk?

As commentors will point out, the mysql() api is not the preferred. Use MySQLi - and use prepared statements. The beauty of this is - no matter what you insert - it can't alter the original SQL (the altering of SQL without the programmer's knowledge is the real security issue).

In addition, having escaped input on all posts can be irritating in general. I generally turn this off by using disabling the gpc_magic_quotes directive in php.ini or using stripslashes if gpc_magic_quotes is on. But, that's my personal preference.

So, please please please try to upgrade the code to MySQLi syntax. If its absolutely impossible, use stripslashes and then use mysql_real_escape_string (which will take into account the language encoding you use...)

It does not really matter where the escaping took place, be it, when the form was being posted, or when the actual query to database was being made. mysql_* functions is in the process of being deprecated, and should no longer be in operation.

If you want neat, secure website. Learn to use either the mysql_i ( i is for "improved") or better yet, the database agnostic interface called PDO interface. Both, will give you the neatness you need, and additional security boost.

You can get a tutorial for PDO here

and for Mysqli here

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