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Android sql database connection

I try to connect from eclipse emulator android to an sql server using this code:

String driver = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";
String connString = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;encrypt=fasle;user=xxxxxx;password=xxx;instance=SQLEXPRESS;";
String username = "xxxxx";
String password = "xxxxx";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connString,username,password);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet reset = stmt.executeQuery("insert into picture values('hi');");

but i have the following error

Service com.android.exchange.ExchangeService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@40cebcd0 that was originally bound here
android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.exchange.ExchangeService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@40d64ec0 that was originally bound here
at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:969)

I have put the permission for internet and i also i have put the jtds-1.3.0.jar in lib folder.Any ideas?

Thanks in adnvanced

You get that error because you are using stmt.executeQuery.

stmt.executeQuery expects something in return (that means a result from a SELECT), but you are inserting data, not querying, so you should use stmt.executeUpdate instead

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