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c# code in asp.net for displaying database values in dropdown list

hello everybody im trying to display the database values in my dropdown list, i have created stored procedure for it and trying to get the values by calling that stored procedure in my code behind but im not able to display it. please help me out

   protected void DrpClientName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)   

        MTMSDTO objc = new MTMSDTO();
            objc.ClientName = Convert.ToString(Session["ClientName"]);
            DataSet ClientN = obj.GetClientList();
            DataView Projview = new DataView();
            Projview.Table = ClientN.Tables[0];
            DrpClientName.DataSource = Projview;

Dont write the code in dropdowns selected index changed event write it in a function and call it in pageload event

you have to set the DataTextField and DatavalueField

objc.ClientName = Convert.ToString(Session["ClientName"]);
            DataSet ClientN = obj.GetClientList();
            DataView Projview = new DataView();
            Projview.Table = ClientN.Tables[0];
            DrpClientName.DataSource = Projview;

you didn't write what you want to display... you have to use DisplayMember ValueMember .

try this:

objc.ClientName = Convert.ToString(Session["ClientName"]);
DataSet ClientN = obj.GetClientList();
DataView Projview = new DataView();
Projview.Table = ClientN.Tables[0];
DrpClientName.DataSource = Projview;
DrpClientName.DisplayMember = "Column name that you want to display";
DrpClientName.ValueMember = "Column name that you want to get the values from";

Good luck.

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