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Qt5 OpenGL GLSL version error

I'm starting out on using OpenGL with Qt, and with Shaders (I have OpenGL experience, but not with shaders yet)

I'm following this tutorial: http://releases.qt-project.org/learning/developerguides/qtopengltutorial/OpenGLTutorial.pdf (the official Qt5 OpenGL tutorial).

The problem is, that when I try to run my program, I get a black screen and the following error messages:

QGLShader::compile(Vertex): ERROR: 0:1: '' :  version '130' is not supported

QGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 0:1: '' :  version '130' is not supported

My program is based on a QGLWidget

With some browsing on the interwebs I found out that I need to use an OpenGL 3.2 context, but that Qt likes to use OpenGL 2.x

My computer:

  • MacBook pro retina '15, late 2012
  • Intel HD 4000
  • NVidia GeForce 650M

So, how can I make this work?


My version is 3.2 (set through QGLFormat), without a specified format it uses 2.0


#version 130

uniform vec4 color;

out vec4 fragColor;

void main(void)
    fragColor = color;


#version 130

uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;

in vec4 vertex;

void main(void)
    gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vertex;

Errors (with format, OpenGL 3.2):

QGLShaderProgram: shader programs are not supported 
QGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( mvpMatrix ): shader program is not linked 
The program has unexpectedly finished.

Errors (without format, OpenGL 2.0):

QGLShader::compile(Vertex): ERROR: 0:1: '' :  version '130' is not supported

QGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 0:1: '' :  version '130' is not supported

Newer QOpenGLWidget doesn't support any constructor with QGLFormat . Instead, in your main.cpp , specify the default QSurfaceFormat for all QOpenGLWidget and QOpenGLContext as following:

// main.cpp
QSurfaceFormat glFormat;
glFormat.setVersion(3, 3);

Now you should be able to use something like #version 330 core in your shader.

You should create an QGLFormat object and pass it to the QGLWidget as a constructor parameter. The QGLFormat object should be created as showed in the code below.

QGLFormat glFormat;
glFormat.setVersion( 3, 2 );
glFormat.setProfile( QGLFormat::CoreProfile );

I've got the same error on my macbook (early 2011), and this answer helps me. Basically you deprecate to version120.

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