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how to check the Type used by a generic class

Consider the case where you have various classes derived from MyFaultBase . So when your web service needs to indicate fault it throws an exception of type FaultException<MySpecificFault> .

After catching this exception, how can you determine whether the FaultException<T> is bound to a class derived from MyFaultBase ?

In a global way :

    public class SpecificClass : BaseClass

    public class BaseClass

    public class TemplatedClass<T>

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var templateInstance = new TemplatedClass<SpecificClass>();
        var @true = typeof (BaseClass).IsAssignableFrom(templateInstance.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]);

        var templateInstance2 = new TemplatedClass<int>();
        var @false = typeof (BaseClass).IsAssignableFrom(templateInstance2.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]);

You can get the generic type arguments using Type.GetGenericArguments() .

Then your IsExceptionBoundToType method may look something like this:

public static bool IsExceptionBoundToType(FaultException fe, Type checkType)
    bool isBound = false;
    Type feType = fe.GetType();
    if (feType.IsGenericType && feType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(FaultException<>))
        Type faultType = feType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
        isBound = checkType.IsAssignableFrom(faultType);

    return isBound;

As far as I can tell, there is no simple way to is-check a generic class; likely due to the flexibility of the generic parameter. Here is a solution:

public static bool IsExceptionBoundToType(FaultException fe, Type checkType)
   bool isBound = false;

   // Check to see if the FaultException is a generic type.
   Type feType = fe.GetType();
   if (feType.IsGenericType && feType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(FaultException<>))
      // Check to see if the Detail property is a class of the specified type.
      PropertyInfo detailProperty = feType.GetProperty("Detail");
      if (detailProperty != null)
         object detail = detailProperty.GetValue(fe, null);
         isBound = checkType.IsAssignableFrom(detail.GetType());

   return (isBound);

Catch the exception and check it like this:

catch (Exception ex)
   if ((ex is FaultException) && IsExceptionBoundToType(ex, typeof(MyFaultBase)))
      // do something

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