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Executing Batch File From C++ with Spaces in the Path

I want to execute a batch file using system() and the path to the file will be passed to the function so it will look like this:

void executeBatch(char* BatchFile){

Now the issue is that the path passed in will not have the escape quotes to ignore spaces for example the user would input:

"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat"

How do I add escape quotes to the path passed in?

So I essentually change:

"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat"


"\"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat\""


system("\"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat\"");

As for your additional question from your comment, you have to use:

char* it = "\"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat\"";



As for your edited question, since you've marked the question to use , here's a c++ solution how to implement your function correctly:

#include <sstream>

int executeBatch(const char* fullBatchFileName)
    std::ostringstream oss;

    oss << '\"' << fullBatchFileName << '\"';
    return system(oss.str().c_str());

Don't make this an XY problem now! I think you should have understood the principle from these samples: Just wrap your batch file name within a pair of double-quote characters ( '\\"' ), that the shell can interpret it correctly. There are also pure c library methods available to achieve this (see <cstring> ) but I wouldn't recommend these, if you can use the c++ standard library.


system("\"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat\"");


     system("\"C:\\Users\\500543\\Documents\\Batch File Project\\Testing.bat\"");

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