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SqlCommand INSERT INTO from datagridview to SQL DB table

I have this code below which should save data from datagridview dtg_ksluzby to sql table KLISLUZ , but it says that:

Embedded statement cannot be declarition or labeled statemnt.

for(int i=0; i< dtg_ksluzby.Rows.Count;i++)
    SqlCommand prikaz2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO klisluz'" + dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["text"].Value +"', '" + dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["pocet"].Value +"'",spojeni);

First of all, you should always use parameterized queries , this kind of string concatenations are open for SQL Injection attacks.

Try like this;

for(int i=0; i< dtg_ksluzby.Rows.Count;i++)
    using(SqlCommand prikaz2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO klisluz VALUES(@p1, @p2)",spojeni))
      prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["text"].Value);
      prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p2", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["pocet"].Value);

As an alternative which Tim pointed , you can reuse the same SqlCommand for your all values which you just need to use SqlParameterCollection.Clear() method after you execute your command.


using(SqlCommand prikaz2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO klisluz VALUES(@p1, @p2)",spojeni))
    for(int i=0; i< dtg_ksluzby.Rows.Count;i++)
          prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["text"].Value);
          prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p2", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["pocet"].Value);

Your query is wrong (also use Parametrized Queries )

Fixed query:

"INSERT INTO klisluz values('" + dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["text"].Value +"', '" + dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["pocet"].Value +"')"

Fixed code:

using (SqlCommand prikaz2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO klisluz values('@val1', '@val2')",spojeni))
  for (int i = 0; i < dtg_ksluzby.Rows.Count; i++)
    prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val1", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["text"].Value);
    prikaz2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val2", dtg_ksluzby.Rows[i].Cells["pocet"].Value);

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