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Convert decimal to string without commas or dots

In .NET, I need to convert a decimal amount (money) to a numbers-only string, ie: 123,456.78 -> 12345678

I thought

var dotPos = amount.ToString().LastIndexOf('.');
var amountString = amount.ToString().Remove(dotPos);

would solve my problem, or at least part of it, but it didn't work as I expected. I'm trying to do this possibly without writing a lot of code and using something already designed for a similar purpose.

You could do it like this:

var amountString = string.Join("", amount.Where(char.IsDigit));

Using the char.IsDigit method will protect you from other unknown symbols like $ and will also work with other currency formats. The bottom line, you don't know exactly what that string will always look like so it's safer this way.

You say it's an amount, so I expect 2 digits after the decimal. What about:

 var amountstring = (amount * 100).ToString();

to get the cents-value without delimiters?

Or maybe even

var amountString = ((int)(amount * 100)).ToString();

to make sure no decimals remain.

If a cast to int isn't quite what you want (It would just ignore any extra decimals, like Math.Floor ), you can also use one of the Math.Round overloads, for instance:

var amountString = Math.Round(amount * 100, MidpointRounding.ToEven).ToString();

The MidpointRounding.ToEven (also known as "Banker's Rounding" ) will round a .5 value to the nearest even value, instead of always to the next higher value.

You don't need casts, you don't need to know where the decimal is, and you certainly don't need Linq. This is literally a textbook-case of Regular Expressions:

Regex regx = new Regex("[^0-9]");
var amountString = regx.Replace(amount, "");

Couldn't be simpler. And you can pass it strings with other odd monetary characters, or any character at all , and all you will get out is the decimal string.

var amountString = amount.ToString().Replace(".","").Replace(",","");
var amount = 123456.78;
var amountString = amount.ToString().Replace(",", "").Replace(".","");

I would say this may help you: var res = amount.ToString().Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""); :)

var amountString = amount.ToString().Replace(",",string.Empty).Replace(".",string.Empty);

This will replace all the "," commas and "." decimal from the amount.

I think this is what you're looking for:



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