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ERROR 1045: Transferring SQL database from one server to another

I have taken the the following steps to transfer my sql database but yet I receive an error on the importing of the database onto the new server. It does not seem to recognize my username or password.

I think the problem is being caused by phpMyAdmin privilege settings. I am transferring my sql file from a server that runs phpMyAdmin (hostgator) to an unmanaged web server.

Here are the steps I took

mysqldump -u root_wrdp1 -p --opt root_wrdp1 > root_wrdp1.sql
Enter password: 

I then scp'd the sql file to my new web server (that does not run phpMyAdmin).

scp rbl91_wrdp1.sql root@ip.of.the.server:~/

Then I did the updating of the database on the web server without phpmyadmin...

root@www:~# mysql -u root_wrdp1 -p root_wrdp1 < ~/root_wrdp1.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root_wprd1'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The support by the site offered this advice but I have no idea how to implement the steps.

It's possible you have to review the authorization locations, such as the source location (IP) of the remote side.

Using phpMyAdmin i believe the page is Priviliages , and you will also need to flush them after changing.

Thanks Support

It's a simple authentication problem. Most likely the "root_wrp1" account or password are set up incorrectly on the destination machine. You can check it just by trying to log in without importing the dump file:

$ mysql -u root_wrdp1 -p root_wrdp1

The account and password need to be set up and have adequate permissions to the database before you can restore the dump file.

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