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Extracting information from a string using regex in bash

I have a string variable in bash which looks like so:

{"SOGoTimeFormat": "%H:%M", "SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly": "0", "SOGoMailSignaturePlacement": "below", "SOGoLanguage": "English", "SOGoDayEndTime": "18:00", "SOGoDefaultCalendar": "selected", "SOGoFirstWeekOfYear": "January1", "SOGoFirstDayOfWeek": "0", "SOGoTimeZone": "Asia\/Kolkata", "SOGoContactsCategories": ["Business Partner", "Colleague", "Competitor", "Customer", "Family", "Friend", "Press", "Provider", "VIP"], "Vacation": {"enabled": 0, "endDate": 1374690600, "autoReplyEmailAddresses": ["testuser@testdomain.com"], "ignoreLists": 1, "autoReplyText": "", "daysBetweenResponse": "7", "endDateEnabled": 0}, "SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "SOGoMailSortByThreads": "0", "SOGoMailMessageCheck": "manually", "SOGoMailMessageForwarding": "inline", "SOGoLoginModule": "Mail", "SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors": {"Customer": "#aaa", "Calls": "#aaa", "Favorites": "#aaa", "Meeting": "#aaa", "Ideas": "#aaa", "Miscellaneous": "#aaa", "Birthday": "#aaa", "Anniversary": "#aaa", "Vacation": "#aaa", "Travel": "#aaa", "Projects": "#aaa", "Suppliers": "#aaa", "Gifts": "#aaa", "Clients": "#aaa", "Issues": "#aaa", "Business": "#aaa", "Holidays": "#aaa", "Personal": "#aaa", "Status": "#aaa", "Public Holiday": "#aaa", "Follow up": "#aaa", "Competition": "#aaa"}, "SOGoBusyOffHours": "0", "SOGoCalendarCategories": ["Customer", "Calls", "Favorites", "Meeting", "Ideas", "Miscellaneous", "Birthday", "Anniversary", "Vacation", "Travel", "Projects", "Suppliers", "Gifts", "Clients", "Issues", "Business", "Holidays", "Personal", "Status", "Competition", "Follow up", "Public Holiday"], "SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "Forward": {"enabled": 1, "forwardAddress": ["testuser1@testdomain.com", "testuser2@testdomain.com"], "keepCopy": 1}, "SOGoRememberLastModule": "0", "SOGoMailReplyPlacement": "below", "SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages": "never", "SOGoSieveFilters": [{"actions": [{"method": "fileinto", "argument": "INBOX\/spam"}], "active": 1, "rules": [{"operator": "contains", "field": "subject", "value": "[SPAM]"}], "match": "any", "name": "spam"}, {"actions": [{"method": "fileinto", "argument": "INBOX\/spam"}], "active": 1, "rules": [{"operator": "contains", "field": "subject", "value": "TESTTEST"}], "match": "any", "name": "new"}], "SOGoDayStartTime": "08:00", "SOGoMailComposeMessageType": "text"}

It is a single line of text, not wrapped or anything. What I am trying to achieve is, there is a field in this called "Forward" . If it's corresponding enabled value is 0, do nothing. If it's corresponding enabled value is 1, it should the parse the email addresses inside forwardAddress one-by-one inside and delete one based on some comparison (In this string, let's say we want to delete testuser2).

I have two questions:

  • How do I achieve this using regex to find "Forward" and then check the enabled value?
  • Should I extract them into a new string, edit it and then write it back or is there a more efficient method?

What you have is JSON and what you should be using is a JSON parser. Using regex is not a good substitute.

Here's some python that loads the string, and if enabled in Forward is 1, deletes any address with the substring "testuser2" from the forwardAddress list:

import sys
import json

thing = json.load(sys.stdin)
forward = thing["Forward"]

if forward["enabled"] == 1:
    forward["forwardAddress"] = \
        filter(lambda x: not "testuser2" in x, \

json.dump(thing, sys.stdout)

You can run it with

echo "$yourvariable" | python thisfile.py

The json re-encoding process might shuffle the fields. This doesn't matter, as the strings still represent the same json objects.

jq is an excellent tool for parsing and editing JSON, easy to drive from shell.

# extract "enabled" field from "Forward"
enabled=$(jq '.Forward.enabled` <input.json)

...or, to do the whole thing in one pass:

jq '
  if .Forward.enabled==1 then
      .Forward.forwardAddress[] |
      select(. | test("testuser2") | not)
  else . end
' <input.json >output.json

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