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What is wrong with this simple code?

I know this might be a simple error however i still cant figure out the error. I am getting

the pointer address instead of the value when i print out an integer number.


int main(){

    char s1[100];

    int words,lines,chara = 0;

    FILE * fp;

    fp  = fopen("fox.txt","r");

        printf("Can't open file");
        while (fscanf(fp,"%s",s1) != EOF){


        //  printf("%s",s1);

        printf("There are %d of words",words);


The quick 

brown fox
jumps over

the lazy 


output :

There are 2665625 of words

words isn't initialised so you start incrementing from an undefined value.

int words,lines,chara = 0;

sets chara to 0 but doesn't initialise the other variables. If you want to initialise all 3, you'd need

int words = 0, lines = 0, chara = 0;
int words,lines,chara = 0;

This line declares 3 variables but initializes only chara .

Later in the loop you begin incrementing words but it is not initialized yet. It has an undefined value.

You can correct it by doing simply :

int words = 0, lines = 0, chara = 0;

You missed initializing words variable

int words =0;

Uninitialized variable will have garbage value.

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