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Phalcon framework - add related models

I have an object, Request , with a has-many relationship to RequestItem (aliased to items ). So Request->items is a Simple Resultset.

I see in the docs there is a way to update related records with update() , and delete related records with delete() . Is there any way to add related records in a similar fashion? I tried just $this->items[] = $Item, but got a "Cursor is an immutable ArrayAccess object" error.

I basically want to simply add a new related record to Request, and have Request->items reflect the addition. I was unable to find anything in the docs, which surprised me actually.

This question is over a year old at this point. New answers are not necessary or helpful

When you have a one to many relationship and you want add new items you have to set the array with the objects that do you want to add. example:

$Request = new Request();
// ... sets the attributes for Request object
$item1 = new RequestItem();
$item1->attr1 = $value1; 
// ... add the attributes you want
$item2 = new RequestItem();
$item2->attr1 = $value2;
// ... and so on
$items = array($item1, $item2 /*, ... all that you need */);
$Request->items = $items;
if ($Request->save()) {
    echo 'Good';

you must initialize belongsTo(Request) in the RequestItem model. when you add it, you create

$newItem = new RequestItem();

then you will be able to get all items using $request->getItems();

please show me your db table structure with full realation's.

and you most use method in this page: http://docs.phalconphp.com/pt/latest/reference/models.html#defining-relationships

class Request extends \Phalcon\MVC\Model
  public function initialize()
    $this->hasMany('id', 'RequestItem', 'request_id');

$this->hasMany(' foreign key of main model ', ' related model name ', ' foreign key for related ');

class RequestItem extends \Phalcon\MVC\Model
  public function initialize()
    $this->belongsTo('request_id', 'Request', 'id');

$this->hasMany(' foreign key for related ', ' main model name ', ' foreign key of main model ');

As long as it's all set properly you can perform creation of related records like this:

class RequestsController extends \Phalcon\MVC\Controller
  public function createItemsAction($RequestId)
    $Request = Request::findFirst($RequestId);
    $RequestItem = new RequestItem();
    $RequestItem->Request = $Request;
    $RequestItem->otherproperties = .....

Hope that is close to what you needed

Use following code to add that is save:

$user = new Users();
$success = $user->save($this->request->getPost(), array('name', 'email'));

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