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How to find all words with x (and one or more) occurrences of a letter?

I have an answer to my second question right here: To find words with one or more occurrences of the letter 'a' in it

var re = /(\w+a)/;

With regards to the above, how does it work? For example,

var re = /(\w+a)/g;
var str = "gamma";


[ 'gamma', 'gamma', index: 0, input: 'gamma' ]

However; these are not the results I expected (although it IS what I want). That is to say, re should have found patterns such that there were any number of occurrences of \\w. Then the first occurrence of the letter 'a'. Then stop. Ie I expected: ga.
Then mma

Next, how do I look for words with a pre-defined number of occurrences (call it x) of the letter 'a'. Such that f(x)=gamma iff x=2.

Repetition in regex is greedy . That is it takes as much as possible. You happen to get the full word, because it ends in an a . To make it ungreedy, (stop at the first one), you'd use:


But to actually get the full word, I'd rather use


Note the * , otherwise you'll get problems with words that have an a only as the first or last letter.

To get words with exactly 2 a you need to exclude a from the repeated letters. This is best done with a negated character class, that disallows non-word characters and a s. In addition you need to make sure, that you get full words. This is easily done with the word boundary \\b :


For more flexibility in terms of the number of repetitions, this can be rewritten as


Regular expressions are greedy by default. That means that if they can grab more characters they will. You need to consider greed when using quantifiers, like + and *.

To make a quantifier not greedy (lazy) suffix it with a ? .


You can use regex for something, such as

/\b\w*a\w*\b/ - find a word with at least 1 a (can match the word 'a')
/\b\w*(?:a\w*){2}\b/ - find a word with at least 2 as

But it gets tricky when the amount is exact, because you must change the \\w to include all letters except a ... works by the negated class, thus

/\b[^\Wa]*(?:a[^\Wa]*){2}\b/ - matches a word with exactly 2 as 

To find the syllables or so until the "a" letter, then you can use

/\b(?:[^\Wa]*a)/ - matches ga alone and in gamma

/\b(?:[^\Wa]*a){1,4}/ - matches word having 1-4 a, ending in a.

The easiest way to achieve something like this is however is to match all words /\\w+/, and filter them by Javascript.

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