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Date difference between rows

I have the following SQL query:

SELECT t.trans_id, t.business_process_id, tsp.status, tsp.timestamp
  FROM tran_stat_p tsp, tran t
 WHERE t.trans_id = tsp.trans_id
       AND tsp.timestamp BETWEEN '1-jan-2008' AND SYSDATE
       AND t.business_process_id = 'ABC01'

It outputs data like this:

trans_ID business_process_id status timestamp
14444400 ABC01 F 6/5/2008 12:37:36 PM
14444400 ABC01 W 6/6/2008 1:37:36 PM
14444400 ABC01 S 6/7/2008 2:37:36 PM
14444400 ABC01 P 6/8/2008 3:37:36 PM
14444401 ABC01 F 6/5/2008 12:37:36 PM
14444401 ABC01 W 6/6/2008 1:37:36 PM
14444401 ABC01 S 6/7/2008 2:37:36 PM
14444401 ABC01 P 6/8/2008 3:37:36 PM

In addition to the above, I'd like to add a column which calculates the time difference (in days) between statuses W&F, S&W, P&S for every unique trans_id .

The idea is to figure out how long transactions are sitting in the various statuses before they are finally processed to status "P". The life cycle of a transaction is in the following order -> F -> W -> S -> P. Where F is the first status, and P is the final status.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

The actual query would use LAG , which will give you a value from a prior row.

Your status codes won't sort as F -> W -> S -> P , which is why the query below has the big CASE statement for the LAG function's ORDER BY - it translates the status codes into a value that follows your transaction life cycle.

  tsp.timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (
    PARTITION BY tsp.trans_id
      CASE tsp.Status
        WHEN 'F' THEN 1
        WHEN 'W' THEN 2
        WHEN 'S' THEN 3
        WHEN 'P' THEN 4
        END) AS DaysBetween
FROM tran t
INNER JOIN tran_stat_p tsp ON t.trans_id = tsp.trans_id
WHERE tsp.timestamp BETWEEN DATE '2008-01-01' AND SYSDATE
  AND t.business_process_id = 'ABC01';

A couple more notes:

  • The query is untested. If you have trouble please post some sample data and I'll test it.
  • I used DATE '2008-01-08' to define Jnauary 1, 2008 because that's how Oracle (and ANSI) likes a date constant to look. When you use 1-jan-2008 you're relying on Oracle's default date format, and that's a session value which can be changed. If it's changed your query will stop working.

You can use LEAD to retrieve the next timestamp value and calculated the time left in every status (F, W and S) and TRUNC to calculated days between as an integer :

SELECT t."trans_ID", t."business_process_id", tsp."status", tsp."timestamp", 
       LEAD("timestamp", 1) OVER (
                  PARTITION BY tsp."trans_ID" 
                  ORDER BY "timestamp") AS "next_timestamp",
       trunc(LEAD("timestamp", 1) OVER (
                        PARTITION BY tsp."trans_ID" 
                        ORDER BY "timestamp")) - trunc(tsp."timestamp") as "Days"
  FROM tran t
INNER JOIN tran_stat_p tsp ON t."trans_ID" = tsp."trans_ID" 
       AND tsp."timestamp" BETWEEN '01-jan-2008 12:00:00 AM' AND SYSDATE
WHERE t."business_process_id" = 'ABC01'

See SQLFIDDLE : http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/04633/49/0

Look into oracle window analytics. http://www.orafaq.com/node/55

You'll want to do a diff of your current row date and the lag of that date. Hope that makes sense.

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