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Entity Framework Code First column name issue

I am having an issue with Entity Framework code first.

There is an existing column in my SQL database called 'myId'. I am adding it to my class like so:

public virtual int? myId { get; set; }

I run: update-database -connectionStringName '[SiteName]' -force

All runs successfully but when I look in the database I see the existing column has been changed to 'myId1'. I'm not sure why the name of my existing column is being changed and not used? As you can see it has appended a '1' to the name....?

Any ideas would be gratefully received!

I assume myId is not PK!?

`public int? myId { get; set; }`

and add your migration as

`AlterColumn("tablename", "myId", c => c.Int(nullable: true));`

Then run Update-database command.

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