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Replace in Linux

i want to replace string pattern which looks like -

1234..5678 9876 4567 8245..9745

I want to make this look like -

{1234..5678} 9876 4567 {8245..9745}

I tried :%s/....\\.\\...../\\{....\\.\\.....\\}/g in vi editor. But its not giving the desired output. Kindly help.

Try this sed :

sed -i.bak 's#[0-9]\{4\}\.\.[0-9]\{4\}#{&}#g' file.txt

In vim :


This seems to work:

~$ echo 1234..5678 9876 4567 8245..9745 | sed  's/\([0-9]\{4\}\.\.[0-9]\{4\}\)/{\1}/g'
{1234..5678} 9876 4567 {8245..9745}

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