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how to get numbers from a string in javascript?

I have

"id": 1468306 

inside of a string, how can I use regular expression to get the number 1468306 for it?

JSON.parse("{" + yourString + "}").id


You can use this regex:

/: (\d+)/

as in:

s = '"id": 1468306';
r = /: (\d+)/;



Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/SfeMh/

var regEx   = /\d+/g;
var str = '"id": 1468306';
var numbers = str.match(regEx);
alert(numbers); // returns 1468306

It looks like you're trying to parse a JSON String. Try this way as already mentioned:

var parsedObj = JSON.parse(myJSONString);
alert(parsedObj.id); // returns 1468306


var str = parseInt(id);

Following code may help you:

var input = '"id": 1468306';
var matches = input.match(/"id": (\d+)/);
var id = matches[1];

The id get the required number.

This will match in this cases

id : 156454;
id :156454;


Alright, my JSON answer still stands, use it if that's your full string you're giving us in the question. But if you really want a regex, here's one that will search for "id" and then find the number after.


Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tS9M4/

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