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Using BlockingCollection(T) on existing IProducerConsumerCollection(T)

I'm exposing an IProducerConsumerCollection(T) from an interface that will periodically add items for another thread to consume.

public interface IProducer<T>
    IProducerConsumerCollection<T> ProducerCollection { get; }

I was trying to use a BlockingCollection(T) with the existing collection, but it appears that adding to the IProducerConsumerCollection(T) directly is not supported:

var queue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
var blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection<string>(queue);

var task1 = Task.Run(() => {
    Console.WriteLine("Dequeued " + blockingCollection.Take());
    Console.WriteLine("Dequeued " + blockingCollection.Take());

var task2 = Task.Run(() => {
    Console.WriteLine("Enqueueing Hello");

    Console.WriteLine("Enqueueing World");

Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);

This will hang indefinitely as the BlockingCollection(T) will not notice the new items.

Is there similar functionality to the BlockingCollection(T).Take method or is there anything simpler than:

static async Task<T> TakeAsync<T>(
    IProducerConsumerCollection<T> collection,
    CancellationToken token
    T result;

    while(!collection.TryTake(out result))
        await Task.Yield();

    return result;

This will hang indefinitely as the BlockingCollection(T) will not notice the new items.

Indeed - because you're adding directly to queue . From the documentation:

Do not modify the underlying collection directly. Use the BlockingCollection<T> methods to add or remove elements. The BlockingCollection<T> object can become corrupted if you change the underlying collection directly.

So your calls to queue.Enqueue should use blockingCollection instead.

In terms of your TaskAsync - you can use TryTake with a timeout of Infinite (-1) instead... but you might want to read Stephen Cleary's blog post on a similar topic , too...

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