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Regular expression to match colon

I need to add an interface to an class in c# and need to match if has already been declared:

public partial class Client

Needs to be

public partial class Client: IEntity

When the occurrence already exists

public partial class Client: IEntity

Must remain

I have reached this "public partial class (\\w+)" into "public partial class $1: IEntity"


If you only want to handle that specific type of format (ie "public partial class 'classname'"). Something like this would do it:

class Program
    static readonly Regex re = new Regex( @"^public partial class[^:]+$", RegexOptions.Compiled );
    static string Replacement( string stringToReplace )
        return re.Replace( stringToReplace, match => match.Value + ": IEntity" );                
    static void Main()
        string newString = Replacement( "public partial class Client" );
        Console.WriteLine( newString ); //output: "public partial class Client: IEntity"
        newString = Replacement( "public partial class Server" );
        Console.WriteLine( newString ); //output: "public partial class Server: IEntity"
        newString = Replacement( "public partial class Server: IEntity" );
        Console.WriteLine( newString ); //output: "public partial class Server: IEntity"


  • ^ means match from the beginning.
  • $ means match to the end.
  • [^:]+ means any character not ':'

I'd say a straight up regex is a dangerous approach.

What if you have:

public partial class Client: RichClient

better be sure not to add an extra : IEntity

If it is possible you could maybe get the complete line text and then write a function to determine what to do.

Could there be a problem with spanning multiple lines?


(get-content test.cs -raw) -replace 'public partial class (\w+)(:.*)?$','public partial class $1: IEntity'

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