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Regular Expression to match the pattern

I am looking for Regular Expression search pattern to find data within $< and >$ .

string pattern = "\b\$<[^>]*>\$"; 

is not working.


You can make use of a tempered greedy token :


See demo

This way, you will match only the closest boundaries.

Your regex does not match because you do not allow > in-between your markers, and you are using \\b where you most probably do not have a word boundary.

If you do not want to get the delimiters in the output, use capturing group:

   ^                      ^

And the result will be in Group 1 .

In C#, you should consider declaring all regex patterns (whenever possible) with the help of a verbatim string literal notation (with @"" ) because you won't have to worry about doubling backslashes:

var rx = new Regex(@"\$<(?:(?!\$<|>\$)[\s\S])*>\$");

Or, since there is a singleline flag (and this is preferable):

var rx = new Regex(@"\$<((?:(?!\$<|>\$).)*)>\$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
var res = rx.Match(text).Select(p => p.Groups[1].Value).ToList();

This pattern will do the work:


Demo: https://regex101.com/r/oY6mO2/1

To find this pattern in php you have this REGEX code for find any patten,


For Example:

        $arrayWhichStoreKeyValueArrayOfYourPattern= array();

using this example you will replace value using same name constant content in this var $yourcontentinwhichyoufind

For example you have string like this which has also same named constant.

//in this file my constant declared.

define("MYNAME","Hiren Raiyani");
define("CONSTANT_VAL","contant value");

$content="Hello this is $<MYNAME>$ and this is simple demo to replace $<CONSTANT_VAL>$";
$myarr= array();
        preg_match_all('/$<(.*?)>$/s', $content,      $myarray);

I think as i know that's all.

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