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Match regular expression for the pattern dddG-xyz

My try:

string exp1 = "\\d+G-";
string z = Regex.Match("CN=314G-VK1,OU=Grupper,OU=314,OU=Skole,OU=03Skien,DC=login,DC=sk-asp,DC=no",exp1).Value;

I want to match 314G-VK1 from the string z .


314 is decimal and it can be any number of digit. say 125632588 .

G- is constant.

And VK1 can be character or decimal but length will be only 3, say er5 .

How can i meet the requirements?

From my code i only get output 314G- . I tried several ways but that don't help me anymore.

You may use

string exp1 = @"\d+G-\w{3}";

See the regex demo

The \\w{3} pattern will match 3 word chars, ie mostly letters, digits, underscores. You may precise it if need be, eg to only match 3 uppercase ASCII letters or digits, you may use [A-Z0-9]{3} . To also include lowercase letters, add them to the character class, [A-Za-z0-9]{3} .

Regulex regex graph :


.NET regex test results:


C# code demo :

string exp1 = @"\d+G-\w{3}";
string s = "CN=314G-VK1,OU=Grupper,OU=314,OU=Skole,OU=03Skien,DC=login,DC=sk-asp,DC=no";
string z = Regex.Match(s, exp1)?.Value;
Console.WriteLine(z); // => 314G-VK1

You are almost correct but, you just need to add [0-9a-zA-Z]{3} after G- .

string exp1 = "\\d+G-[0-9a-zA-Z]{3}";
string z = Regex.Match("CN=314G-VK1,OU=Grupper,OU=314,OU=Skole,OU=03Skien,DC=login,DC=sk-asp,DC=no", exp1).Value;

Check demo here

Try this: string exp1 = @"\\d+G-[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}"

[a-zA-Z0-9]{3} will match with 3-char alphanumeric string.

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