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Regex for 5 digit number with optional characters

I am trying to create a regex to validate a field where the user can enter a 5 digit number with the option of adding a / followed by 3 letters. I have tried quite a few variations of the following code:


But I just can't seem to get what I want.

For instance l would like the user to either enter a 5 digit number such as 12345 with the option of adding a forward slash followed by any 3 letters such as 12345/WFE .

You probably want:


You might have to escape that forward slash depending on your regex flavor.


  • ^ - start of string anchor
  • \\d{5} - 5 digits
  • (?:/[AZ]{3}) - non-capturing group consisting of a literal / followed by 3 uppercase letters (depending on your needs you could consider making this a capturing group by removing the ?: ).
  • ? - 0 or 1 of what precedes (in this case that's the non-capturing group directly above).
  • $ - end of string anchor

All in all, the regex looks like this:




这是实践中(这是一个测试你的正则表达的好网站): http ://regexr.com?36h9m



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