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how can I populate and retrieve table of record using java

Package, in which I declared my Data Types

create or replace package pkg_var is
 type array_table is table of varchar2(50);
 type array_int is table of number;
 type p_arr_rec is record(p_no number,p_val varchar2(50));
 type array_record is table of p_arr_rec;
 end pkg_var;

My procedure to populate record

create or replace procedure proc1(p_array in pkg_var.array_table,
arr_int in pkg_var.array_int,len out number,arr_rec out
v_count number;
len := p_array.count;
v_count :=0;
for i in 1..p_array.count
arr_rec(i).p_no := arr_int(i);
arr_rec(i).p_val := p_array(i);
v_count := v_count+1;
end loop;

This is my class to call the above procedure to populate array into table of record

public class TestDatabase {

    public static void passArray()
            dbcon conn = new dbcon();
            Connection con = conn.dbstate().getConnection();

            String str_array[] = {"one", "two", "three","four"};
            int int_array[] = {1, 2, 4,8};
            ArrayDescriptor str_des = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("SCOTT.PKG_VAR.ARRAY_TABLE", con);
            ARRAY arr_str = new ARRAY(str_des,con,str_array);
            ArrayDescriptor des = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("SCOTT.PKG_VAR.ARRAY_INT", con);
            ARRAY arr_int = new ARRAY(des,con,int_array);

            CallableStatement st = con.prepareCall("call SCOTT.proc1(?,?,?)");

            // Passing an array to the procedure -
            st.setArray(1, arr_str);
            st.setArray(2, arr_int);
            st.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);

            System.out.println("size : "+st.getInt(3));

            // Retrieving array from the resultset of the procedure after execution -
            ARRAY arr = ((OracleCallableStatement)st).getARRAY(4);
             BigDecimal[] recievedArray = (BigDecimal[])(arr.getArray());

            for(int i=0;i<recievedArray.length;i++)
                System.out.println("element" + i + ":" + recievedArray[i] + "\n");

        } catch(Exception e) {

    public static void main(String args[]){

I'm getting java.sql.SQLException: invalid name pattern: SCOTT.PKG_VAR.ARRAY_TABLE Exception, anyone help me to solve this exception.

One more question how do I retrieve table of record of SQL in Java ? My second question is for this code ARRAY arr = ((OracleCallableStatement)st).getARRAY(4);

Is it a valid code to get table of record ?

I don't think you can do what you want with PLSQL array types, you need to create 'Array Types' on the database, eg:

create or replace type rectype as object(col1 varchar2(10),col2 varchar2(10));
create or replace type rectypetab as table of rectype;

I describe how to use all this with Java here: http://betteratoracle.com/posts/32-passing-arrays-of-record-types-between-oracle-and-java

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