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Data transfer from One database to another

I am looking for an idea or some direction. I have to transfer data from one database to another both are structurally and schema wise same.

Its a complete database with maybe 70 tables and having relationship between tables at different levels. Even though i ' m going to mess up the identity when i move across database but as of now i am ok with it.

Idea which i thought was to load required data from all table into an XML and then create connection to second database and push data from this XML its kind of repeated and not best way at all. So looking for direction.

Can i use entity framework for this somehow??

I cannot use SSIS for this it has to be C# Sorry.

You can create a linked server as stated in the comments to your question. You seemed to indicate that you know how to do this, but in case not, you can do this from SQL Server Management Studio by drilling down to "Server Objects > Linked Servers" beneath your source database on the source database server, then right-click, "New Linked Server", etc.

Then you would use a statement like this, for example, from your C# code:

insert into DestServer.DBName.dbo.TableName
select * from SourceServer.DBName.dbo.TableName

Assuming you are connected to 'SourceServer' and that 'SourceServer' maintains a linked server object pointing to 'DestServer'. Note: you don't actually need to use the fully-qualified name for the table on 'SourceServer', but I've put it there for clarity. IE you could also do this:

insert into DestServer.DBName.dbo.TableName
select * from TableName

Don't forget to setup the permissions properly in your linked server object so that your query can write to the table in the destination server. You can do this any number of ways, and often (because I work in a small environment where it's maintained by just me and a couple other folks) I just use the "sa" login:


Yes, can use linked servers in .NET.
You just use the 4 part name.
What you can do in TSQL in SSMS you can do in a .NET SQLcommand.

My experience is that you get better performance connecting to the server you are writing to.

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