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asp.net PageAsyncTask not running asynchronously

I have a PageAsyncTask that takes about 2 mins to run. My page directive has Async="true", my config has the timeout as 180 (3 mins to give extra time), but when I call Page.ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks() it doesn't come back right away and is blocking while it's running the task.

Am I missing any steps to get this to run asynchronously?

(this was formatted better but after edit it screwed it all up)

// in my button click event
MyTask task = new MyTask();
PageAsyncTask asyncTask = new PageAsyncTask(task.OnBegin, task.OnEnd, task.OnTimeout);

// MyTask.cs
public class MyTask
    protected delegate void AsyncTaskDelegate();
    private AsyncTaskDelegate dlgt;

    public void Run() { // my code that hits DB }

    public IAsyncResult OnBegin(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback cb, object extra)
        dlgt = new AsyncTaskDelegate();
        IAsyncResult result = dlgt.BeginInvoke(extra, cb, null);
        return result;

I misunderstood what this was about. I just went with making a new thread for the task as the main point of the task is to insert records into the DB and my page has a gridview on it reading the DB using ajax which shows the progress. So as the thread is working you can see record counts go up.

Thread myThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(task.Run));


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