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what does lock_guard always owns the lock mode of the referenced mutex mean?

I was reading this article on mutexes. and it states

The biggest difference between lock_guard and unique_lock is that lock_guard always owns the lock mode of the referenced mutex and unique_lock doesn't. Indeed, unique_lock may not even reference a mutex.

so far I only understand is that when we need to construct a lock but not lock the mutex we could use the std::unique_lock . It is an improved version of std::lock_guard Apart from that I do not see much difference. I would appreciate if someone could explain what does owning lock mode of a referenced mutex mean ?

When you use std::unique_lock you can specify option in constructor.


There is three options std::defer_lock_t , std::try_lock_t and std::adopt_lock_t . std::defer_lock_t Does not lock the associated mutex.

std::try_lock_t Tries to lock the associated mutex without blocking by calling m.try_lock() . The behavior is undefined if the current thread already owns the mutex except when the mutex is recursive.

std::adopt_lock_t Assumes the calling thread already owns m.

When no option is specified (ie constructor called only with mutex param) - mutex is simply locked with mutex.lock() function.

When you use std::lock_guard you can only specify one option ( std::adopt_lock_t ), in other case mutex will be locked with lock function.

In all this cases in destructor of lock_guard / unique_lock mutex will be unlocked with call to mutex.unlock() function, if mutex is locked.

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