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C++ Modifying properties from a base class

Okay so this seems so simple and yet it explodes my brain when it doesn't work. Here's a very simple few classes. (In VC++ btw)

class Food
    char maxAmountCarried;
class Fruit:Food
         maxAmountCarried = 8; // Works fine
class Watermelon:Fruit
          maxAmountCarried = 1; //Food::maxAmountCarried" (declared at line 208) is inaccessible

So basically, I wanted fruit, by default, to have a max carrying capacity of 8. Watermelons are much larger so the capacity is changed to 1. However, unfortunately I can't access the property.

It would be so much help if someone could tell me a way to work around this problem.

Thanks in advance :)

In C++, when using class as the class key to define classes, inheritance is private by default. If you want public inheritance, you have to say:

class Fruit : public Food { /* ... */ };

class Watermelon : public Fruit { /* ... */ };

Otherwise, Food::maxAmountCarried becomes private in Fruit and is not accessible from within Watermelon .

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