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Run gedit on OSX Mavericks?

The Version of Gedit on the gnome.org site does not seem to run on OSX Mavericks. Is there any way to fix this?

When I tried it, the problem was the version of libxml2 packaged with gedit.

Use the command " brew install libxml2"

then cp /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.1/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/ .

In the current version of brew , the directory has changed to 2.9.2 so: then cp /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.2/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/ .

安装了MacPorts并从上面发表评论后,我只能使用rm /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2* ,它使用了系统/ macports库而不是捆绑的,没有错误。

Just to Revise:

  • Having macports installed correctly. (If you just updated from eg OSX Lion you need to migrate macports to your new Maverics OSX System , https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration )

  • Downloading gedit-3.2.6-3

  • sudo port install libxml2

  • and rm /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2*

  • Open gedit and start Coding!

For my 13-inch, Early 2011 Macbook pro it worked just fine.


If you want to use gedit from Terminal:


alias gedit="open -a gedit"



Gedit 2.30.2 works. But your own plugin won't work on Gedit 2.30.2.

I dont know what your goal is, but i found a easier way with another program. If installing all of this starts to get tiersome (that's what i figured out at least, since xcode needed downloading and tampering), i found sublime text 2 to work very nicely.

I found that the version of "libxml2.2.dylib", distributed with Gedit 3.2.6 is outdated.

Install "Xcode" from the App Store (if you have not already done so), then:

$ cp -p /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2.dylib

One solution (I'm still interested in others) is the following:

  • The latest version of Gedit (3.2.6-3)for OSX on the Gnome.org website crashes.
  • The older Gedit 2.30.2 still runs.

try version 2.26.3 of Gedit – it's working for me on MOJAVE ! http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/mac/gedit/2.26/ Darek

If I am guessing correctly, your aim is a GUI Text editor for convenience.

open /path/to/file

performs the same action as of double clicking on the file from Finder

Also if you want to use it with a specific application like sublime text

open -a 'Sublime Text' /path/to/file

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