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DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'DocID'

i try this query to view documents only for those who uploaded through their account means user only view their own documents query

 ALTER procedure [dbo].[dddddd]
   @userid int
   SELECT DISTINCT DocumentInfo.DocID as DocumentID ,
    dbo.DocumentInfo.DocName as DocumentName,
    dbo.DocumentInfo.Uploadfile as FileUploaded,
    dbo.DocType.DocType as Document,
    dbo.Department.DepType as Department ,
    dbo.ApproveType.ApproveType AS ApproveID
    FROM dbo.DocumentInfo
    inner JOIN dbo.DocType ON dbo.DocumentInfo.DocTypeID=dbo.DocType.DocTypeID
    inner JOIN dbo.Department ON dbo.DocumentInfo.DepID=dbo.Department.DepID
    LEFT JOIN dbo.ApproveType ON    
    Approval a ON a.DocID = a.DocID
    ApproveType at ON at.ApproveID = ISNULL(a.Approveid, 3)  where UserID=@userid

but it shows me error

DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'DocID'."

in this line

  <td><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"DocID") %></td>

where is the mistake

There is no DocID being returned in your query as you have aliased the column to be DocumentID .

Change to this instead:

 <td><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"DocumentID") %></td>

Also is your left outer join correct? You seem to be using the same table on both sides of the query. More of an observation.

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