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Ignore blank text boxes before insertion into SQL

I'm working on a system that has a foreach loop that inserts a group of text boxes into a database. This code will loop for every car_init text box that exists on the previous page.

    foreach($_POST['car_init'] as $key => $car_init)
        $sql1 = "INSERT INTO CustBill_cars (C_ID, car_init, car_num, bolNum, bill_ID)
             SELECT $customer, UPPER('".$car_init."'), '".$car_num[$key]."', $pbolNum, MAX(CustBill_billing.bill_ID)
             FROM CustBill_billing";

My question is: how do I ignore it if a text box is blank? Example: Someone enters in that they need 5 text boxes, but they actual only need 4. The 4 text boxes are filled and the 5th one is blank, how do I just insert the 4 text boxes with information and ignore the blank one.

EDIT: I fixed the problem. I needed to add

    if(empty($car_init['car_init'])) { continue; }

before my insert statement.

An if condition:

foreach($_POST['car_init'] as $key => $car_init)
    if ($car_init) {
        $sql1 = "INSERT INTO CustBill_cars (C_ID, car_init, car_num, bolNum, bill_ID)
             SELECT $customer, UPPER('".$car_init."'), '".$car_num[$key]."', $pbolNum, MAX(CustBill_billing.bill_ID)
             FROM CustBill_billing";

Hope it helps you !!

  foreach($_POST['car_init'] as $key => $car_init)

      $car_init = trim($car_init);
       if($car_init !=""){

             // add your insertion part here


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