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C++ random number generator

I am writing an lottory application. I have a function called generateLotteryNumbers this takes in an array and fills that array with 5 random numbers. What I want to do is have this function produce a different set of random numbers every time this function is called.

void generateLotteryNumbers(int lotteryNumbers[])

    srand (time(NULL));
    const int arraySize = 5;
    int index = 0;

    while (index < arraySize)
        lotteryNumbers[index] = rand() % 50 + 1;
        cout << lotteryNumbers[index] << endl;

The output at the moment is eg:


Repeated twice.

正好调用srand 一次 ,通常是在main的代码中。

Width C++11 standard, you can use new number generators . To obtain always different results, usually you must set a different seed at every program execution, for example with time.

You may take a look at the c++11 features that provide better pseudo-random number generator (eg Mersenne Twister ) as well as a random_device interface that may be used for seeding the generator with an hardware entropy source.

Example with std::vector and c++11 <random> features:

vector<int> generateLotteryNumbers(int size)
    static std::random_device rseed;
    static mt19937 rgen(rseed());
    uniform_int_distribution<int> idist(1,50); 

    vector<int> result;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        cout << result[i] << endl;
    return result;

Also note that if you're generating lottery numbers, you may not want the same value twice in the same array, in which case, you'll have to add a bit more logic to your code.

You should not call srand multiple times. Furthermore you should not use rand this way to generate lottery numbers (ok, depends on the lottery but I think duplicate numbers are not allowed). You can do it very easy using std::random_shuffle

int main()
    int numbers[49];  // all numbers
    std::iota(begin(numbers), end(numbers), 1);  // fill with 1-49

    // shuffle numbers
    std::random_shuffle(begin(numbers), end(numbers));  

    // use first 5 numbers:
    std::copy(begin(numbers), begin(numbers) + 5, 
        std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));

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