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noClassDefFoundException in javafx application in raspberry pi

I'm new to raspberry api, i have created a javaFX application from windows 7 using netbeans 7.3.1 , jdk 1.7 .. database used is firebird .. so i incorporated jaybird jar with library after that i clean and build the application.. then copied the dist folder to raspberrypi machine.

Then i tried to run the jar from command line .. but it gives Exception like "noClassDefFoundError:org/firebirdsql/even/EventManager " and exiting the application..

But it works fine with windows 7,ubuntu and centOS

Why I have the above exception when I start my javafx application in raspberry pi only.Can anyone give any help


I think you have to configure Buildpath of your project and add jaybird jar. Do this as suggested below:

RightClick on your Project -> Build Path -> Configure Buildpath

Then the window be will be shown with Libraries as one of the tab. Select that tab.

Then click Add External Jars in the right side buttons list. Add the required Jars and select OK . Once clean and build your project.

Hope this will help you.

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