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Issue with Defining a friend operator

I have problem with my code that deals with friend > operator but I can't seem to be able to fix it.
I added the friend bool operator > (const my_int& c1, const my_int& c2); code and that I know is right but the in the main class where I tried to implement it is a bit wrong and don't know how to fix.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Function: my_int
// Purpose:  Constructor initializes the val to x
// Params:   x - the value for the val
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     none
//my_int::my_int(int x);
// Function: my_int
// Purpose:  Constructor initializes the val to 0
// Params:   none
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     none
// Function: my_int
// Purpose:  Constructor initializes the val to x
// Params:   x - the value for the val
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     none
// Function: set
// Purpose:  Sets the val to x
// Params:   x - the new value for the val
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     none
// void my_int::set(int x);
// Function: input
// Purpose:  reads and stores a value from inp. if fin is a input
//           stream, then fin is already connected to a file.User enters
//           a value and ask the user to re-enter the data if the
//           user enters an incorrect value.
// Params:   inp -- the input stream
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     istream
//void my_int:: input(istream& inp);
// Function: output
// Purpose:  display the val on fout. if fout is a  output stream
//           then fout is already  connected to a file
// Params:   fout -- the output stream
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     ostream
//void my_int::output(ostream& fout);
// Function: get_int
// Purpose:  returns the val
// Params:   none
// Calls:    none
// Uses:     none
// int my_int::get_int()
// Function: is_prime
// Purpose:  object num contains a valid positive value
//           returns true if num is prime; otherwise
//           returns false
// Params:   num  - the value to be checked for prime
// Calls:    sqrt
// Uses:     cmath
// bool is_prime(const my_int& num);

class my_int
    my_int(int x);

    void set(int x);

    void input(istream& inp);

    void output(ostream& fout) const;

    int get_int() const;

    friend bool operator >(const my_int& c1, const my_int& c2);

    int val;

bool is_prime(const my_int& num);

int main()
    my_int value1;



    if (is_prime(value1))
        cout << "  is a prime number  \n";
        cout << " is not a prime number \n";

    return 0;

my_int::my_int(int x)
    val = x;

    val = 0;

void my_int::set(int a)
    val = a;

void my_int::output(ostream& fout) const
    fout << " The value is equal to " << val << endl;

int my_int::get_int() const
    return val;

bool operator >(my_int& c1, my_int& c2)
    if (c1.val > c2.val)
        return (true);
        return (false);


void my_int::input(istream& inp)
    cout << "Enter a positive value greater than 1  ";
    inp >> val;
    while (val <= 1)
        cout << "Entered an Invalid value \n";
        cout << "Enter a positive value greater than 1 \n";
        inp >> val;

//num has been given a value and returns true if the value is a
//prime number and false otherwise

bool is_prime(const my_int& num)
    double limit;
    int n;      //divisor
    bool prime= true;

    limit = sqrt(static_cast<double>(num.get_int()));

    n = 2;

    while (n <= limit && prime)
        if (num.get_int() % n == 0)
        prime = false;
    return prime;

You need something like this:

bool operator > (my_int& c1, my_int& c2)
  return c1.val > c2.val;

Then name of the data members is val , their type is int . Calling c1.int makes no sense in C++. And the pattern

if (x)
  return true;
  return false;

is long and unidiomatic. You can just return x; .

Besides that, you should consider passing const references. This will allow you to bind to temporary values:

bool operator > (const my_int& c1, const my_int& c2) { ... }

You need to modify both the declaration and the definition.

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