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to get value from String variable containing a decimal number representing a value of about 64 gigabyte

I have a question in conversion of String into value.

Following is the sample code I tried.

I am trying this on C++ Builder XE4.

String strSize = L"64420392960"; // 64GB

size_t size;

size = strSize.ToDouble(); // returns 4290850816

char *end_ptr;
size = strtol(AnsiString(strSize).c_str(), &end_ptr, 10); // returns 0

Both of ToDouble() and strtol() didn't work.

I understand that strtol didn't work because long type is up to 4.3GB.

Are there any function in C++ Builder XE4, with which I can convert the strSize into size_t value when I treat 64GB or several hundreds of GB (eg 500GB)?

You don't have a 64GB string, which would be a string that's 64 gigabytes in size. You have a string containing a decimal number representing a value of about 64 gig.

The standard function you're looking for is strtoll , which returns a long long result. It's been a standard C function since the 1999 standard, and if I'm not mistaken was added to the C++ standard as of 2011.

(The question is whether C++ Builder XE4 supports strtoll .)

If size_t on your system is only 32 bits, there's no way to get a size_t value that big. If it's 64 bits, strtoll should do the trick.

The problem is that the VCL String object (which is apparently an alias for the VCL AnsiString UnicodeString class) returns a double with the value 64420392960.0 which gets converted into an integral type but the size_t is a 32-bit unsigned type so it keeps only the lower 32 bits of the value.

Instead of a type size_t try an unsigned long long or plain old long long if your toolchain supports it.

Other people have explained why your original code does not work. There is another alternative: use __int64 instead of long long . The VCL has support for __int64 , eg:

String strSize = L"64420392960";
__int64 size = StrToInt64(strSize);

Don't use double unless you really need floating-point precision.

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