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Get “Home Directory” attribute from active directory

I'm trying to get Home Directory attribute value from active directory..

I used the following code:

public static void GetExchangeServerByWwidLdap(string wwid)
    var exchange = string.Empty;

    using (var ds = new DirectorySearcher())
        ds.SearchRoot = new DirectoryEntry("GC:something");
        ds.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;

        //construct search filter
        string filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person)";
        filter += "(employeeid=" + wwid + "))";
        ds.Filter = filter;

        string[] requiredProperties = new string[] { "homeDirectory", "homemta" };

        foreach (String property in requiredProperties)

        SearchResult result = ds.FindOne();

When I check result object data, I'm seeing only 2 values: "homemta" and "adspath". Where is the "homeDirectory" value?

I entered AD website and searched the same values for same users - through the website I can see the all the data I searched for so I assuming that I have code issue somewhere.

What am I doing wrong?

You're trying to retrieve homeDirectory from global catalog.

It's not there.

You can eg bind to the user by ADsPath property (ie “LDAP://…” string), then query the homeDirectory attribute of that user.

Or, if you only have a single domain, you can search within that domain instead of searching the GC. In this case you'll be able to retrieve all the properties you want.

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