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How to Insert and Update datagrid row in database table

I am developing C# without using any framework.until now i successfully performed following task on Datagrid.

1.Displaying data in Data-grid by binding with database table
2.Getting the selected row data from Data-grid based on primary key

Here is my variable declaration :

SQLiteDataAdapter adap;
SQLiteCommandBuilder cmdbl;
DataSet ds;
String Query;
DataTable dt;

Here is code for displaying data in Data-grid :

    Query = "Select * from Items";
    adap = new SQLiteDataAdapter(Query, GlobalVars.conn);
    ds = new DataSet();
    adap.Fill(ds, "Items");
    dt = ds.Tables[0];
    dtgitems.DataContext = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
    dtgitems.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;
catch (Exception ex)

It is working fine and here is my code for updating that data-grid

     cmdbl = new SQLiteCommandBuilder(adap);
     adap.Update(ds, "Items");
    // ds.Tables[0].Clear();
 catch (Exception ex)


it is not working .Does anyone knows how i can accomplish this update functionality in data-grid ? .Please help me to correct this code for update opreation .Thanks

Although I would work with an ObservableCollection, you can update your datagrid items with the following code:


Do this after you updated the source. I should use it in your code like this: You should accept the changes so your database gets updated.

    cmdbl = new SQLiteCommandBuilder(adap);
    adap.Update(ds, "Items");
catch (Exception ex)


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