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Connection String for MySQL in Visual Studio

I already tried searching and reading posts and questions here, but I still cannot find the answer I need. Hope that someone can help me...

I'm working on Visual Studio 2012, and I'm trying to connect to a hosted database in MySQL, which uses phpMyAdmin.

I have an example here which is used to connect to a SQLServer database, which goes like this:

new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ecomerce.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");

(I know it's connecting to a local datatable, but that's not important)

I believe I should find some different 'new' type to instantiate, in order to connect to a MySQL database, as ' new SQLConnection' is for SQLServer. A friend told me I should use a 'MySQL Data Connection' from Oracle. I downloaded it and installed it, but really don't see any changes. What should I do? What I am supposed to do to connect to my database?

A simple connection string for MySql is (in C#)

MySqlConnection cnn = new MySqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;" + 
                                          "Database=myDataBase;" + 
                                          "Uid=myUsername;" + 

Of course you should add a reference to the MySql.Data.dll appropriate for your version of MySql and add a using statement to reference the namespace in your code.

Other examples of connectionstring variations could be found at connectionstrings.com

    string strConn = @"Server=localhost;Database=Bancodados;Uid=root;Pwd='numsey';Connect Timeout=30;"; 

conn = new MySqlConnection(strConn);

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