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Ruby on Rails - Join two tables add results to JSON

New to Ruby on Rails 4.0 and I am having some trouble getting my JSON to add the data from my joined table. I am using AngularJS on the front end, and I can't seem to find a good example on here to help me out.

In short, I have a Invite with a User ID. I have a User with a User ID. Knowing the Invite ID, I want to get the name of the User that corresponds to that invite.

Invite 1: UserID: 10
Invite 2: UserID: 11
Invite 3: UserID: 12

UserID: 10 Name: Owen
UserID: 11 Name Greg

Controller - Invites

# GET /invites/1
# GET /invites/1.json
def show
   @invite = Invite.includes(:user).find(params[:id]).to_json(include: :user)

Model - Invite

class Invite < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_one :meal
has_one :event
has_one :registry

Model - User

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_one :invite

However I only get this whenever I check the /invites/1.


Any help here is much appreciated!

Your show should be:

def show
    @invite = Invite.includes(:user).find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|
        format.json { render :json => @invite.to_json(include: :user) }

I recommend you to use JBuilder http://rubygems.org/gems/jbuilder . You can use @invite.to_json, but JBuilder gives you much more control on the output.

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