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Count Number of Columns In Hive

I am looking for a way to count the number of columns in a table in Hive.

I know the following code works in Microsoft SQL Server. Is there a Hive equivalent?

 WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = 'database_name'
   AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'schema_name'
   AND TABLE_NAME = 'table_name'

try this

SHOW COLUMNS (FROM|IN) table_name [(FROM|IN) db_name]


DESCRIBE schemaName.tableName;

I do not know of a way to count the columns directly, however, I solved the problem for my needs indirectly via:

echo 'table1name:, '`hive -e 'describe schemaname.table1name;' | grep -v 'col_name' | wc -l > num_columns.csv
echo 'table2name:, '`hive -e 'describe schemaname.table2name;' | grep -v 'col_name' | wc -l >> num_columns.csv

(I needed the grep -v bit because I have headers on by default; without it you get one too many lines counted in the wc -l step.)

您必须检查您的 HIVE 是否包含 HIVE-287,因为对于不包含 HIVE-287 的 HIVE 版本,您需要使用 COUNT(1) 代替 COUNT(*)。


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