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EF6 fails to import stored procedure

This is a simplified version of a stored procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[StoredProc1]
   @PageIndex INT = 1,
   @RecordCount INT = 20,
   @Gender NVARCHAR(10) = NULL

WITH tmp1 AS
    SELECT u.UserId, MIN(cl.ResultField) AS BestResult
      FROM [Users] u
        INNER JOIN Table1 tbl1 ON tbl1.UserId = u.UserId
     WHERE (@Gender IS NULL OR u.Gender = @Gender)
             GROUP BY u.UserID
     ORDER BY BestResult
       OFFSET @PageIndex * @RecordCount ROWS 
       FETCH NEXT @RecordCount ROWS ONLY
SELECT t.UserId, t.BestResult, AVG(cl.ResultField) AS Average
INTO #TmpAverage
FROM tmp1 t 
  INNER JOIN Table1 tbl1 ON tbl1.UserId = t.UserId
GROUP BY t.UserID, t.BestResult
 ORDER BY Average

SELECT u.UserId, u.Name, u.Gender, t.BestResult, t.Average
  FROM #tmpAverage t
    INNER JOIN Users u on u.UserId = t.UserId

DROP TABLE #TmpAverage

When I use EF6 to load the stored procedure, and then go to the "Edit Function Import" dialog, no columns are displayed there. Even after I ask to Retrieve the Columns, I get the message that the SP does not return columns. When I execute the SP from SMMS, I get the expected [UserId, Name, Gender, BestResult, Average] list of records.

Any idea how can I tweak the stored procedure or EF6 to make it work? Thanks in advance

Thanks to the comments above, the answer is that unfortunately EF6 does not cope well with TMP tables on stored procedures.

One way around is the following:
1) Comment out all temp table calls inside the Stored Procedure.

2) Change the Stored Procedure to return a Fake a result with the same exact column's names that match the expected result

3) Import the Stored Procedure into EF6

4) Double Click on the Function Imports/Stored procedure name

5) On the Edit Function Import dialog, retrieve the Columns and the create a New Complex Type that will match the fake columns

6) CTRL+Save in order to generate all the C# code

7) Re-Update the Stored Procedure by removing the fake result set and un-comment the code with the Temp tables.

That should do the job.

PS Special thanks for the helpers that pointed me to the right place !!!

Sometimes it works to add the following statement to the stored proc:

set fmtonly off

But still, dont leave this statement in - only use it while generating the result set

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