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Linq returning incorrect values

I have a LINQ statement which is returning incorrect data.

I need to select each product which is active, and have the prices displayed according to the usertype logged in. (Each user type has a different price)

I currently have five acive items in the database, but only two are showing.

public IQueryable GetProductsForListViewByUserType(Guid userTypeID)
        (from p in this.Entities.Product
        join b in this.Entities.Brand on p.BrandID equals b.ID
        join ut in this.Entities.UserTypePrice on p.ID equals ut.ProductID
        where p.Active == true && ut.UserTypeID == userTypeID
        select new
            Price = ut.Price,
            BrandName = b.Name,

Not all active items are being returned from the query.

Personally, the statement syntax seems to be fine. But I would like to know other people's views about this.

I debugged the statement, that's why I know that the problem is within the statement itself.

我的建议是问题出在userTypeID ,如果Entities.UserTypePrice缺少该产品,则不会退货。

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