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Report depend on SharePoint list

I have simple list in SharePoint just contain Task name,From,to and percent value

where I could assign some task to other one and each week he should update the percent of complete value.

The task maybe take 5-6 weeks So I need a report to know in current week for example which user update his task and the old value and the new value he change.

So I need away to have such report where I could set from date to date and it report which task is changed by who and the changed value.

I'm using normal list in SharePoint 2010.

You can achieve it this way:
1. Create another column in your list (I call it OriginalList) called PreviousPercentValue and set its default value to [Percent Value]
2. Create another list (for example Reports) with columns: [Previous Percent Value], [Current Percent Value]
3. In Reports, add two additional columns to the default view: Created, Created By
4. Create a workflow in SharePoint Designer on OriginalList, activated on modification, that will check if PreviousPrecentValue is different than [Percent Value] and if yes, then:
a) Create a new item in Reports with values: Reports.[Previous Percent Value]=OriginalList.PreviousPercentValue, Reports.[Current Percent Value] = OriginalList.[Percent Value].
[Created] and [Created By] will be set automatically for you. I am not sure if [Created By] will be set properly, if not then create another column in Reports called User and in the workflow, set its value to OriginalList.[Modified By]
b) Set OriginalList.PreviousPercentValue to OriginalList.[Percent Value]

This way, every record in your new list Reports will have data you need: who, when, old + new percent values. You can add views on Reports to customize data you want to see.

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