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Using separate folders in powershell command

I'm using Powershell and imagemagick to create a simple code to append images. I need to Powershell to be run from one folder, the input images to be take from a sub-folder, and the output images to be taken from a subfolder of that folder.

For example, the folder structure goes:


So Powershell will be run from the "image-converter" folder, and will open with the directory: PS


The input images to be appended will be stored in the folder "Append-images", and the output images will be saved to the folder "Appended".

An example of the command I will be using is:

  • convert +append input.png input.png output.png

So I would need to modify the command to take the input images from \\Append-images and save the output images to \\Append-images\\Appended.

PS I can't use the full "C:\\..." path as this will be used by different people and the image-convert folder will be saved in different places. So I need the command to build on the "PS C:\\...\\image-converter>" path that Powershell will be run from.

Use environment variables to get the userprofile, and then your subdirectorys:


Will give you your C:\\Users\\User1

If you want to make the folders, do the following:

mkdir $env:userprofile\images
mkdir $env:userprofile\images\AppendImages
mkdir $env:userprofile\images\Output

And then work with those.

How about this.

$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Get-Content -path "$scriptPath\Append-images\"

That should give you the location you need to browse the subsequent files.

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