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Java Socket - passing int through object stream?

I am working on Java streams, In server side I'm trying to send int through objectOutputStream and recieve it in client side. However I am not receiving anything in client side.

Here is the server side sending int

public static int PLAYER1 = 1;
new ObjectOutputStream(player1.getOutputStream()).writeInt(PLAYER1);

Here is the client side receiving that int:

fromServer = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

Here is the part where I test the recieved int:

int player = fromServer.readInt();
if(player == PLAYER1){
 System.out.println("yy working");
  System.out.println("not working");

The problem is that neither I get an error nor system out.. I am using ObjectStreams and not DataStreams because of some reasons.

Your code doesn't seem to survive the call int player = fromServer.readInt(); . I would debug the call in readInt() or before that to see where it jumps out.

Call close() or flush() on server side:

public static int PLAYER1 = 1;
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(player1.getOutputStream());


// OR


flush() will send any data already written to the client. This will leave you the possibility to reuse oos .

If you don't need oos anymore, call close() . Calling close() will flush any data not already sent.

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