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Remove Object from ArrayList based on User Input

I have an object that looks like this:

Account account = new Account (0, fName, sName, adr, city, pos, uniqueID);

I then put that object, via user input, to an ArrayList:

List<Account> newAcc = new ArrayList<Account>();

Here's the problem. I need a slick way to remove that object based on user input. This is what I've tried:

System.out.print("1. Client with Accounts.\n2. Client with Savings Accounts.\n3. Remove all Accounts.\n");
int inputRmv = in.nextInt();

case 1:
    for (Iterator i = newAcc.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        if (i.equals(rmvID)) {

This doesn't work. The object isn't removed this way.

Basically: is there a way to use user input and then iterate through the list to see if any object contains a string equivalent to any part of the object?

I am in dire need, so any help to send me in the right direction is immensely appreciated!


You compare the Iterator object with the rmvId . This will always return false , because they are not of the same type . I guess you want to check if the iterator's next object's id is equal to rmvId .

So use i.next() to get the next SavingsAccount , compare it's id with the rmvId and then remove it through the Iterator .

  SavingsAccount sa = i.next();
  if (sa.getId().equals(rmvID)) { // just an example.. I don't know how you access the 
                                  // saving account's id nor it's type. This example expect
                                  // it is `Integer`

If the SavingsAccount id is of type int you can compare it this way sa.getId() == rmvID .

Check the objects attribute whether it contains given id , and then remove the relevant object in the list by its index

for(int i=0;i<newSacc.size();i++){
    if (newSacc.get(i).getId().equals(rmvID)){

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