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Is this multi-tenant database design is good

I am working on a multi-tenant website project. This project will manage the appointments for the tenants. Like a Hair dresser may be a tenant for this project. So hair dresser tenant have staff and Customers associated with it.Each customer will be served by any one staff member.

I have a question about the database design for this type of scenario. In this scenario i have 3 entity namely:

  • Tenant
  • Staff
  • Customer (Customer is the user for the tenant)

First i will tell you about my thought for such database design and then i wants your expert advice.

What i thought is:

For me Tenant , Staff and Customer are all belongs to a same category so i have decided a single table for all of them (Say User) . This table contains a TypeId column which will differentiate between three of them. This table contains a self-referencing relationship for Tenant-Staff and Tenant-Customer which may be 1 to many .

Visual Representation of my thought:


I am not good in database design and i want my database design as good as possible and extendable . So i am here to ask you guys please review my design and tell me the pros and cons of this design for this scenario and please suggest me a better design, if there is any other, for the scenario i mentioned above.

And BTW i am using Entity Framework Code First in my project.


The customers table will hold information specific to customers. In my example data we see that Mary and Greg are customers. Instead of storing first_name, last_name, etc. here I simply store a foreign key to the users table. I do this because we may have a user who is both a Customer AND an Employee (staff) - why would we want to make them create more than one sign on? Obviously there's a lot more you would want to store in this table.

    id              unsigned int(P)
    user_id         unsigned int(F users.id)

| id | user_id | ... |
|  1 |       2 | ... |
|  2 |       3 | ... |
| .. | ....... | ... |

The same customer can be associated with many different tenants and each tenant can have many different customers, this table ties them together. Each column is a foreign key to it's respective table and together they form the primary key for the table. In my example data we see that Mary is a customer of Barbie's Hair Salon as well as Ken's Gym and Greg is a customer of Ken's Gym .

    customer_id     unsigned int(F customers.id)--\_(P)
    tenant_id       unsigned int(F tenants.id)----/

| customer_id | tenant_id |
|           1 |         1 |
|           2 |         2 |
|           1 |         2 |
| ........... | ......... |

What you call staff is what I would call employees, these are people who work for a tenant. In my example data we see that Bob and Mary both work for Barbie's Hair Salon and Greg works at Ken's Gym .

employees (staff)
    id              unsigned int(P)
    user_id         unsigned int(F users.id)
    sin             unsigned int // Social Insurance Number
    dob             date // Date of birth
    hired           date

| id | user_id | sin       | dob        | hired      | ... |
|  1 |       1 | 123456789 | 1995-01-01 | 2013-12-13 | ... |
|  2 |       2 | 987654321 | 1996-01-01 | 2013-10-30 | ... |
|  3 |       3 | 123459876 | 1994-01-01 | 2013-01-24 | ... |
| .. | ....... | ......... | .......... | .......... | ... |

We need a table that ties employees and tenants together. This table is very similar to the customers_tenants table. In my example data we see that Bob works at Ken's Gym and Mary works at both Barbie's Hair Salon and Ken's Gym .

    employee_id     unsigned int(F employees.id)
    tenant_id       unsigned int(F tenants.id)

| employee_id | tenant_id |
|           1 |         2 |
|           2 |         1 |
|           2 |         2 |
| ........... | ......... |

In the tenants table we store information about each tenant. Obviously you will have much more than just a name.

    id                  unsigned int(P)(F users.id)
    name                varchar(50)

| id | name                | ... |
|  1 | Barbie's Hair Salon | ... |
|  2 | Ken's Gym           | ... |
| .. | ................... | ... |

And finally we have a table with user information. Since customers and employees are subsets of users we store all common information such as first_name, last_name, etc. here.

    id              unsigned int(P)
    username        varchar(32)
    password        varbinary(255)
    first_name      varchar(30)
    last_name       varchar(30)

| id | username | password | first_name | last_name | ... |
|  1 | bob      | ******** | Bob        | Sled      | ... |
|  2 | mary     | ******** | Mary       | Poppins   | ... |
|  3 | greg     | ******** | Greg       | Stamps    | ... |
|  4 | jen      | ******** | Jennifer   | Jones     | ... |
| .. | ........ | ........ | .......... | ......... | ... |

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