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Bundle knockout.js in ASP.NET Web Application - VS2013

I'm trying to add a bundle for Knockout in my application. From NuGet, I got two scripts: knockout-3.0.0.debug.js and knockout-3.0.0.js

I'm using the following code.

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/knockout").Include(

For some reason, it will include the "debug" version:

<script src="/Scripts/knockout-3.0.0.debug.js"></script>

My question: How can I get the non-debug version? (I have tried running in both debug and release configurations, with the same result)

Best regards, Thomas

Unless EnableOptimizations is true or the debug attribute in the compilation Element in the Web.config file is set to false, files will not be bundled or minified. Additionally, the .min version of files will not be used, the full debug versions will be selected. EnableOptimizations overrides the debug attribute in the compilation Element in the Web.config file

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