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Upgrade .NET web application from VS2010 TO 2013 did not change the icon to VS2013

I have a web application which is built on VS2010. I am trying to upgrade it to 2013. I did open .sln file with VS2013. It open without error so i make few changes.

One thing i realize the icon of solution file still look VS2010. What i have to do so that .Sln file looks it is built on VS2013.


  1. Right click and select "Open With" and then "Choose Default Program"
  2. Select the check box "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"
  3. Click OK

You cannot set the icon displayed for an individual .sln file.

For all non .exe files, explorer displays the icon of the application associated with that file type (ie .sln extension).

Since explorer is currently showing your .sln files with a VS 2010 icon, then your machine is currently configured to associate .sln files with VS 2010.

If you change the default association of your .sln files to VS2013/VS2015/etc., then explorer will display the appropriate associated VS icon.

Find the Solution file (.SLN) file for your project and right click on it and open in notepad.

At the top of the file change: Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00

Visual Studio 2010


Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00

Visual Studio 2013

Then the solution should open with VS2013.

More detailed info here: How to force a Solution file (SLN) to be opened in Visual Studio 2013?

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