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Html5 required validation checkbox

I made a input checkbox that contains array values. so it generates plenty of rows in a table. But it needs for me to check it all to submit. It doesn't allow me to check only few not all.


<input required="required" type="checkbox" name="id[]" id="id" value="<?php  echo $result2["id"]; ?>"/>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>


How can i make the required field able to check atleast one and able to submit even if not all are checked?

I dont know if I understand you,
but maybee you need something like this:
Online demo

Main part with notes:

$('#frm').bind('submit', function(e) { // set this function for submit for your formular
    validForm = true; // default value is that form is correct, you can chcange it as you wish
    var n = $( "input:checked" ).length; // count of checked inputs detected by jQuery
    if (n != 1) { validForm=false; } // only if you checked 1 checkbox, form is evaluated as valid
    if (!validForm) { // if result of validation is: invalid
        e.preventDefault(); // stop processing form and disable submitting
    else {
        $('#echo').html("OK, submited"); // ok, submit form

You can use any number of comboboxes under any tag and get count of selected by jQuery, then use any rule for validate form.

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