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Comparing 2 two-dimensional arrays JAVA

Okay, here's how the program should work: By running the program, it will ask the user to input number of players that will play the Lotto. For example, 3. So 3 rows of array would be made and 6 column which is default column. Now after generating random digits in Lotto array. It will then generate a winning Lotto.

The problem is here: Ive done the part of generating the player's lotto and the winning lotto. However, I cant compare winning lotto to players lotto/s. For example:

Player 0 : 1 15 30 41 56 12

Player 1: 31 65 78 43 29 8

Player 2: 41 28 1 6 38 14

Winning Lotto: 15 30 56 12 41 1

The winner should be the Player 0 even the sorting is not exact. But the problem is I cant compare the two dimensional arrays.

Here's the code:

import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class test{ public static void main(String asd[]){ int players = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Any NUMBER of PLAYERS\n[0] to exit")); while(players != 0) { int typeOfLotto = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type:\n[42] - SixFortyTwo\n[45] - SixFortyFive\n" + "[49] - SixFortyNine\n[55] - SixFiftyFive")); String output="", playersLotto="", winning=""; int taya = 6; int index; int[][] Lotto = new int[players][taya]; int[][] winningLotto = new int[1][taya]; for(index = 0; index<players; index++) { for(int column = 0; column<6; column++) { Lotto[index][column] = numberGen(typeOfLotto,Lotto,index); output += Lotto[index][column] + " "; } playersLotto += "Player " + index + ": " + output +"\n"; output=""; } //winning lotto for(int column = 0; column<6; column++) { winningLotto[0][column] = winningNumberGen(typeOfLotto,winningLotto); winning += winningLotto[0][column] + " "; if(column==5) winning = "Winning lotto: " + winning; } String win = checking(Lotto,winningLotto,players); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, playersLotto + "\n" + winning + "\n" + win); players = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Any NUMBER of PLAYERS\n[0] to exit")); } } public static int numberGen(int typeOfLotto,int Lotto[][],int index) { int random=0, loop=0; if(typeOfLotto == 42) { random = (int)(1+Math.random()*42); for(loop=0; loop<6; loop++) { if(Lotto[index][loop] == random) return numberGen(typeOfLotto,Lotto,index); } } return random; } //winning public static int winningNumberGen(int typeOfLotto,int winningLotto[][]) { int random=0, loop=0; if(typeOfLotto == 42) { random = (int)(1+Math.random()*42); for(loop=0; loop<6; loop++) { if(winningLotto[0][loop] == random) return winningNumberGen(typeOfLotto,winningLotto); } } return random; } public static String checking(int Lotto[][], int winningLotto[][], int players) { int win[] = new int[6]; int panalo=0; String winner="", output=""; for(int index=0; index<players;index++) { for(int loop=0;loop<6;loop++) { if(winningLotto[0][0] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; if(winningLotto[0][1] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; if(winningLotto[0][2] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; if(winningLotto[0][3] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; if(winningLotto[0][4] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; if(winningLotto[0][5] == Lotto[index][loop]) win[loop] = Lotto[index][loop]; } } if(win[0] > 0) panalo++; if(win[1] > 0) panalo++; if(win[2] > 0) panalo++; if(win[3] > 0) panalo++; if(win[4] > 0) panalo++; if(win[5] > 0) panalo++; if(panalo > 3) { for(int loop=0;loop<6;loop++) { winner += win[loop] + " "; } output = "Winner: " + winner; } else if(panalo < 3) output = "no winner"; return output; } }

I dont have a lot of knowledge about java since Im still a 1st year college. So can I ask simple codes? I want to do the comparing in for loops. I only know basic. I hope the most simple code can do.


UPDATE answered it myself.

First sort winning lotto


then for each of your players get the numbers array sort it and then see if they are equal to winning lotto

return Arrays.equals(playernumbers, winninglotto);

like this:

public static String checking(int Lotto[][], int winningLotto[][], int players)
 for(int i =0; i < players;i++){
    if(Arrays.equals(Lotto[i], winningLotto[0])){
       //we have a winnder

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